You are not broken
You are number one

and second to none
You are amazing
You are sunshine
You are enough

You are not broken
You are able
You are rare
You are solid
You are strong
You are beautiful

You are not broken
You are special

You are royalty
There is nothing wrong with you
and you will find someone that adores you
just the way you are

Mariam Shittu

9 responses to “POEM| You Are Not Broken”

  1. Oke Oyindamola Avatar
    Oke Oyindamola

    I likey

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure, hugs💚

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nathan AM Smith Avatar
    Nathan AM Smith

    Lovely! And I love that pic, too. Great pairing!

    Liked by 2 people

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